論文および翻訳 (平澤 美可三)


[1] The flat genus of links,
Kobe Journal of Math. 127 (1995), 155 - 159.

[2] Minimal genus Seifert surfaces for alternating links, (with M. Sakuma),
KNOTS '96, 383 - 394, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 1997.

[3] Triviality and splitability of special almost alternating links via canonical Seifert surfaces,
Topology and its Applications 102 (2000) 89 - 100.

[4] Dehn surgeries on strongly invertible knots which yield lens spaces, (with K. Shimokawa),
Proc. American Math. Society 128 (2000) 3445 - 3451.

[5] Almost alternating diagrams and fibered links in S3, (with H. Goda and R. Yamamoto),
Proc. London Math. Society 83 (2001) 472-492.

[6] Pre-taut sutured manifolds and essential laminations, (with T. Kobayashi),
Osaka Journal of Math. 38 (2001) No.4 905-922.

[7] Visualization of A'Campo's fibered links and unknotting operations,
Topology and its Applications, 121 (2002) 287-304.

[8] The Gordian complex of knots, (with Y. Uchida),
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 11 (2002) 363-368.

[9] Lissajous curves as A'Campo divides, torus knots and their fiber surfaces, (w/ H. Goda, Y. Yamada),
Tokyo Journal of Math. 25 (2002) 485-491.

[10] Examples of Knots without Minimal String Bennequin Surfaces, (w/ A. Stoimenow),
Asian Journal of Math. 7 (2003) 435-446.

[11] Determination of generalized horseshoe maps inducing all link types, (w/ E. Kin),
Topology and its Applications, 139 (2004) 261-277.

[12] Essential laminations and branched surfaces in the exterior of links,
w/ M. Brittenham, C. Hayashi, T. Kobayashi and K. Shimokawa.
Japanese Journal of Math. 31 (2005) 25-96.

[13] Crosscap numbers of 2-bridge knots, w/ M. Teragaito
Topology 45 (2006), 513-530.

[14] Genera and fibredness of Montesinos knots, w/ K. Murasugi
Pacific Journal of Math. 225 (2006) 53 - 83.

[15] Fibred double torus knots which are band-sums of torus knots, w/ K. Murasugi
Osaka Journal of Math. 44 (2007) 11 - 70.

[16] Obtaining string-minimizing, length-minimizing braid words for 2-bridge links
Series on Knots and Everything, Vol 40 (2007) World Scientific Publ. Co. 43 - 50.

[17] Seifert surfaces in open books, and a new coding algorithm for links, w/ R. Furihata and T. Kobayashi
Bull. London Math. Society 40 (2008) 405-414.

[18] When does a satellite knot fiber ? w/ D. Silver and K. Murasugi
Hiroshima Journal of Math. 38 (2008) 411-423.

[19] Fibred torti-rational knots, w/ K. Murasugi
Journal Knot Theory and its Ramifications 19 (2010) 1291-1353.

[20] Evaluations of the twisted Alexander polynomials of 2-bridge knots at ± 1, w/ K. Murasugi,
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 19 (2010) 1355-1400.

[21] Bridge presentations of virtual knots, w/ N. Kamada and S. Kamada,
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 20 (2011) 881-893.

[22] On stability of Alexander polynomials of knot and links (Survey), w/ K. Murasugi,
Banach Ceneter Publications, Vol.100 (2014) 85-98.

[23] Sphere eversion from the viewpoint of generic homotopy, w/ M. Yamamoto,
Topology and its Applications 223 (2017) 13-29.

[24] Twisted Alexander polynomials of 2-bridge knots associated to dihedral representations, w/ K. Murasugi,
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 27 (2018) 16pp.

[25] Alternating knots with Alexander polynomials having unexpected zeros, w/ I. Katsumi and M. Suzuki,
Topology and its Applications 253 (2019) 48-56.

[26] Stable Alexander polynomials of arborescent links, w/ K. Murasugi,
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 28 (2019) 21pp.

[27] Invariant Seifert surfaces for strongly invertible knots, w/ R. Hiura and M. Sakuma,
IRMA Lect. Math. Theor. Phys., 34 EMS Press, Berlin, 2023, 325\UTF{2013}349.

[28] Saddle point braids of braided fibrations and pseudo-fibrations, w/ B. Bode,
Research in Math. Sciences 11 (2024) 39 pp.


[29] On positivity and universality of templates induced from diffeomorphisms of the disk (with E. Kin),
「京都大学数理解析研究所講究録」 1117 (2001) 146-150

[30] Fibered double torus knots (with K. Murasugi),
「京都大学数理解析研究所講究録」 1272 (2002) 122-138

[31] Construction and manipulation of Seifert surfaces in knot theory (a note in 2023)},
「京都大学数理解析研究所講究録」 2263 (2023) 21-38


書籍紹介『目で見る高次元の世界』著:T. Banchoff、訳:永田 雅宜, 橋爪 道彦
数学セミナー 2004年02月号 77-77

数学セミナー 2015年06月号 30 - 34

数学セミナー 2021年09月号 8 - 15

数学セミナー 2022年02月号 8 - 14

数学セミナー 2022年11月号 21 - 23

書評『数学者たちの黒板』著:J. Wynne, 訳:徳田功
数学セミナー 2024年1月号 88-88

数学者の選ぶ「とっておきの数学」数学セミナー編集部 編
ISBN:978-4-535-79002-5 発刊年月: 2023.09



[1] 3次元幾何学とトポロジー.培風館 1999 年 1月
著者: W. サーストン, 監訳:小島定吉, 共訳:作間誠 他.
Three-dimentional geometry and topology )

[2] 結び目理論概説. シュプリンガー東京 2000年 1月
著者 W.R. リコリッシュ, 共訳:村上斉, 丸本嘉彦 他.
(Gradaute Texts in Math. 175. An Introduction to Knot Theory)

[3] 多面体.シュプリンガー東京 2001年 12月
著者 P.R. Cromwell, 共訳:村上斉, 下川航也, 松本三郎, 丸本嘉彦.
書籍紹介, 原著:Polyhedra

[4] 数学を語ろう. シュプリンガー東京 2003年 7月
編者: R. ウィルソン/J. グレイ, 共訳:村上斉 他.

[5] (新装版)多面体.数学書房 2014年 9月
著者 P.R. Cromwell, 共訳:村上斉, 下川航也, 松本三郎, 丸本嘉彦.

[6] 美しい幾何学,丸善 2015年 5月
著者 E.Maor and E. Jost, 監訳:高木隆司, 共訳:稲葉芳成,河崎哲嗣,田中利史,吉田耕平


[8] Not Knot: 消えた結び目、結び目補空間を飛ぶ:
制作:Geomerty Center. 伸興通商 1999年.共訳:作間誠.

[9] Shape of Space: 宇宙の形:
制作:Geomerty Center. 伸興通商 1999年.共訳:作間誠.

[10] エッシャー、空間と創像の幾何学: (Escher).
作者:M. Emmer (ローマ大学 数学科), 伸興通商 2003 年.
